Apply for an MAS Markets trading account as: Corporate IndividualIndividual|
MAS Markets which is the trading name of Multi Asset Solutions Limited, offers services to classified professional clients that meet the Eligibility Criteria.
Please note, before we can open your account, we are required to verify the country of residency and identity of all directors and Ultimate Beneficiary Owners.
➜ Have carried out transactions in significant size, on the exchange market I specialized at an average frequency of 10 per quarter over the previous four quarters;
➜ The size of financial instrument portfolio, defined as including cash deposits and financial instruments, exceeds EUR 500,000;
➜ Have worked or working in the financial sector for at least one year in a professional position, which requires knowledge of the transactions or services envisaged.
If you meet a minimum two out of the above three criteria, then you are eligible to become a client of MAS Markets.